(Memphis) Travelers who drove down Poplar Avenue, one of Memphis’ busiest thoroughfares Friday, noticed the drop in traffic.
But many weren’t slowing down, despite the concerns over winter weather.
“Just really down Poplar, it hasn’t been too bad, it’s a little slushy but for the most part it’s alright,” said driver and mechanic David Milam about his trip to work Friday.
He opted to leave work early, but working as a mechanic, he knows the weather might keep him busy in the coming days.
“I’m sure the repairs shops will be full all the accidents and such, everybody slipping around on ice,” said Milam.
City of Memphis Public Works crews began before the sun came up Friday, putting out the sand and salt mixture on overpasses, underpasses, inclines, declines and intersections.
And even once the rain began to fall at a steady pace, the mixture appeared to remain on Poplar Avenue.
“I have four wheel drive so I’m not too worried about it,” said driver Don Keaton.
But most agreed, although the weather wasn’t terrible earlier Friday, they are worried about what is to come.
“I think in a few hours it might be bad but right now it’s pretty clear,” said Keaton.
“It’ll get pretty bad tonight. I imagine the streets will freeze over and it will be a little bit more slippery,” added Milam.