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Here today are Bev Johnson from WDIA, DeWayne Benton from and our own Todd Demers.

Stay at home moms get slammed for “doing nothing” in a new blog that’s gone viral.

The poster says, “Do people really think that a stay at home mom is really on equal footing with a woman who works and takes care of herself?”.

Many people are saying Beyonce and Jay-Z’s dance at the Grammy’s Sunday was “inappropriate”.

From her revealing outfit to Jay-Z caressing her backside and the suggestive dancing…Parents say it was bad timing, for how early it aired in primetime.

We won’t show it, since young children are also up at this hour.

And the Pope this week has called the internet, a gift from God.

He says it’s a Godsend because it helps connect people to each other.  Sure it’s great, but would you call it a gift from God?

Are there other modern conveniences that you would call a gift from God?