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DeSoto County Sheriff Bill Rasco sent the following email to News Channel 3 following our coverage of the two shootings on north Mississippi highways.

We were first to report this story and we believe it’s important to inform you without scaring you.

Click HERE for our coverage of this story

Email to News Channel 3:

“I would like to express my personal appreciation to Channel 3 WREG for the quality coverage given to reporting the known facts surrounding the shooting along I-55 in Panola County and Highway 713 in Tunica County, Mississippi.  Your reporting has been an invaluable asset in getting the word out to our citizens.  It is my hope and prayer that this collective effort by you, our citizens and the law enforcement community will result in the successful arrest and conviction of the person responsible for such horrendous acts of violence. 


Sheriff Bill Rasco

Desoto County”