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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A major slip up by the records office at the jail may have put your identity at risk.

WREG uncovered shocking mistakes with how they released the rest tickets, and found suspects’ Social Security numbers were not being marked out properly.

Office staff were using white out to cover personal information and numbers could still be read.

People were shocked and angered the staff at the Jail Annex Records Office were not doing enough to protect suspects’ personal information.

“I’ve got a lot of those, and I don’t want my personal information coming out nowhere,” a man told WREG.

WREG first discovered the staff was using white out to cover Social Security numbers and drivers license numbers when we requested an arrest ticket on Wednesday.

Staff normally blacked out personal information so that it is not visible, but when WREG  held an arrest ticket up to the light, the information could clearly be read.

WREG went to the jail again to see if this was just a one time mistake.

We requested ten arrest tickets, and they all came back exactly the same.

“I wouldn’t want my information getting out there,” one man said. “Identify theft is real!”

WREG told the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office what we found.

No one would do an interview, but thanked WREG for bringing it to their attention.

A spokesman said he talked with the records supervisor so something like this never happens again.

“The person who did it of course should be held accountable,” one man said.

Another woman said, “They can get a second chance. I think they should get a verbal warning about it.”