This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

BARTLETT, Tenn. –Two unexpected visitors to the Bartlett Police Department not only made for a cute late night photo opp, but also started a social media pun-off.

According to the post, two ducks showed up at the police station late Wednesday evening.

The duo waddled right up to the door, waiting for one of the officers to let them in….or at least feed them.

So the officers did what any other person confronted by two adorable ducks would do: they snapped a picture and posted it to Facebook.

“Go home, ducks,” the post said. “Chief said you can’t come inside. #midnights #charlieshift.”!/225015130231/photos/a.10152658625415232.1073741825.225015130231/10155725347465232/?type=1&theater

Not only did the post bring a smile to a lot of people’s faces, it also started a stream of puns that left us quacking up at the news station.



