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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The City of Memphis confirmed this summer’s enrollment in community center summer camps is the highest it has been in years.

Joseph Lee, the Deputy Director of the Division of Parks and Neighborhoods, said summer camp enrollment is wrapping up this week.

He told WREG he expected there would be nearly 2,600 campers this summer across Memphis’ 25 community centers.

Camps began this week.

WREG visited the Hickory Hill Community Center Wednesday, where Justin Christopher, 8, shared one of his favorite camp activities.

“I like the parachute very, very much,” Christopher said.

That’s a game where kids surround and wave a parachute, bouncing beach balls.

Hickory Hill Community Center Director Margaret Fluckers said she had different programs for kids aged five to 15.

Campers can play different sports, experience performing arts, do crafts, and more.

In February, Philanthropist Avron Fogelman donated the funds to send 1,500 kids to summer camps.

Fluckers said 60 of those kids attended her camps.

Fluckers said keeping kids busy over the summer prevents problems in the community.

Memphis had several public cases of juvenile violence in the past year, including a teen mob attack at an East Memphis Kroger parking lot last fall.

“Number one, our goal is to make sure every kid is safe,” Fluckers said.

Fluckers said her summer camps were full, but she hopes to be able to accept more kids next year.

Lee said that over the past four summers, the city had enrollment numbers between 2,000 and 2,100.