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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Showing the future in black and white.

Memphis Housing officials and political leaders mapped out the plans for a valuable piece of downtown property Thursday morning, showing folks from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development how federal dollars are at work.

“It’s going to be a big difference in Memphis, create a lot of jobs, give a lot of opportunities. I just can’t wait to see what we have got here in Memphis and potential to bring it about,” said U.S. Congressman Steve Cohen of Memphis.

HUD official hopped aboard a bus to tour the new South City, the area South of Fed Ex Forum that includes Foote Homes.

The plans are to tear down Memphis’ last housing development of its kind.

HUD got a chance to see first hand why it’s sorely needed, as they went inside some old units.

“They are definitely in need of an upgrade. So it’s going to change the total look of this entire area,” said Dorian Jenkins, Interim Executive Director of MHA.

Plans include relocating residents starting in 2 months.

It’s a bitter-sweet pill for some who have made their apartments into a comfortable place to be, but who also want more.

“We been here a long time and I understand it’s time for us to move on. I am all for it,” said Dorothy Keita, who has lived in Foote Homes 18 years.

A big part of the tour was about what comes next.

Refurbished units at the former Cleaborn  Homes are a good indication of what’s ahead for Foote Homes.

HUD officials got to see how Cleaborn Homes turned into Cleaborn Pointe at Heritage Landing, with all new homes, apartments, and even a Senior Center.

Similar plans are in the works for Foote Homes.

With the residential pieces in place, the city is banking on businesses to follow, reviving a downtown corridor and giving people and property new life.

“This is something that could be a model for housing authorities across the country,” said Jenkins.

Memphis was one of 5 cities to win a $30 million HUD grant as a part of President Obama’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative

Those grant dollars are helping create South City.