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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — WREG gets viewer calls daily about landlords and potential code violations, blighted properties and potholes.

Memphis residents can call Code Enforcement by dialing 3-1-1 to file a service request.

However, what some consumers may not know is that there are other options for getting results.

Several months ago, the city launched its Memphis 311 app.

There’s also a desktop version, or webpage residents can use to file a complaint.

The mobile version allows users to upload pictures and send information directly from their smartphones.

On either platform, a resident can report a problem and check the status of their request.

The site also allows users to search for reports by area.

A Public Works spokesperson told WREG 6,000 complaints have been filed through the new system since its launch in late 2015.

Check out the website here or visit the app’s page.