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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — It’s back to the classroom for Mid-South students, and Shelby County Schools wants kids to be ready.

The District is holding its annual “Gear Up” event on Tuesday. The event allows parents to sign up their children for classes, clubs and pretty much anything else.

It was a busy day at Treadwell Elementary as students registered for classes and got acquainted with new faces.

Desmond Shurn, 6, is going to the first grade.

He says he’s excited, and his grandmother Rita Bradford is excited too.

“I’m happy to have him back at school and out the house,” Bradford said.

Parents just like her got the information they needed, including school care, all around the district Tuesday.

“We want it to be fun for the parents. We want it to be engaging,” Treadwell Elementary’s Assistant Principal Kandra Jackson said.

About 200 kids registered at Treadwell. That’s roughly 26 percent of the school.

A lot of parents prefer to do it in person than online.

“They want to meet us. They want to know who their child is going to be with. We let them meet the teachers, look around the school and just become comfortable with us,” Jackson said.

It certainly made Bradford, and little Desmond, happy.

“It’s nice to be able to come down and have somebody help you,” Bradford said. “It’s nice to meet his teachers, let her know a little bit about him and what to expect about him.”

Her next step is getting school supplies.

“It’s a lot. You got to get a lot.”

If you weren’t able to attend the event, you can head to your child’s school any day this week.

Shelby County Schools say the campuses are now open during business hours.