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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — MPD officers are still searching for Jeremy Beck, the man accused of firing shots that led to nine people being injured inside Purple Haze nightclub on Monday morning.

The victim says he was standing right outside the VIP section, when he saw a man pull out a gun less than 15 feet from him.

“I saw him reach for it, and that is when I pushed the lady out the way,” Scott Myracle said.

He says he knew what was next when Jeremy Beck grabbed his gun.

That’s why he pushed the woman standing next to him out of the way. It was for her safety.

“It happened so quick. Everything was fine. People were dancing, and it was a good time. Then, all hell broke loose,” Myracle said.

He says the beef started outside of the nightclub, and Beck looked outnumbered.

“It was going to be a one-on-one fight. I don’t know if he felt threatened. It was from a social media post, and a fight that happened on Saturday.”

Myracle remembers the moment he realized he had been grazed in the head by a bullet.

“I felt the burn, and the pain shoot through my body.” he said. “My friend said, that’s when my body went limp, and I hit the ground.”

He has no clue how he even made it out of the nightclub.

“I woke up when they were putting me in the ambulance.”

Even though Myracle was dazed and confused, he still tried to make sure the woman he pushed out of the way was okay.

He says, even in that hectic moment he wanted to help.

“If I can save someone, if I can keep someone from being hurt – that’s what I’m going to do.”

Myracle works as a security guard on Beale Street and says he’s not sure how Beck was able to slip the gun in. He remembers security checking Beck thoroughly.

Purple Haze has decided to temporarily close its doors to review operations following the shooting.