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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Christmas decorations are already starting to pop up in different stores as Halloween just wrapped up.

But that’s not the only holiday cheer that we’ve seen.

At radio station 98.9 “The Bridge,” they kicked off their holiday playlist on Wednesday. It’s made up of nearly 400 songs that will play through Christmas night.

“There’s a lot of grinches out there. We’re putting everybody in a better mood right now,” 98.9’s Program Director Duane Shannon said.

Shannon says they started playing Christmas music around the same time last year for the first time. They’re the only Memphis radio station playing it this early.

“Research shows people absolutely love Christmas music. It gets you in the holiday spirit. And launching it this early, you’re not rushed.”

Of course, not everyone feels that way.

“I think they’re rushing,” one resident said. “Because Thanksgiving is not here yet.”

Others agree.

“It’s kind of ridiculous to me. But then again, I’m kind of an old guy,” another resident said.

But those at The Bridge say they’ve gotten a positive response from listeners so far.

“It’s been extremely positive,” Shannon said. “Thanksgiving is part of the holidays. I don’t want it to just be about Christmas. Let’s start the holiday spirit and getting into the holiday mood through Thanksgiving and then onto Christmas and then New Years.”

He says the world needs to be uplifted now more than ever.