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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — It was a busy Thursday morning at Dr. Mark Castellaw’s office.

“The Memphis crud is a daily thing and probably this morning already, I’ve seen half a dozen people with it,” Dr. Castellaw said.

Eloquently named “The Memphis Crud,”  it’s made up of sinus issues, bronchitis and overall upper respiratory problems.

They’re seeing more cases of it than usual, but it’s not the only illness going around.

“We are starting to see what people commonly call the stomach flu, where we’re getting a lot of GI viruses, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which is common this time of year.”

He says a lot of it comes down to hygiene, taking care of yourself and keeping meal safety in mind.

“Everybody’s putting their chip in dip — they shouldn’t — and getting food-related illnesses. You’ve got to be careful about what you eat, especially food that’s been sitting out.”

Other sicknesses they’re seeing are stress-related.

“This can be the happiest time of year for some people and the saddest time of year for people.”

Dr. Castellaw says your immune system is affected by high stress levels. He’s seen patients with high blood pressure and anxiety because of it.

He recommends taking it easy when possible, frequently washing your hands and being aware of what could make you sick in your surroundings.

Doctor Castellaw recommends seeing a doctor if you’re symptoms last more than three days.