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(Millington, TN) A police chase led to a big crash where a car actually ended up inside Millington Central High School.

The chase and the resulting crash happened late Saturday afternoon.

Janice Locumbe watched as 27-year-old Marco Taylor ran by her house away from Millington police after crashing his car into the school.

“He ran across the street and the police tackled him and knocked him down and put him in hand cuffs and put him in the car,” she said.

Inspector Charlie Coleman says Taylor was carrying enough marijuana to pick up a felony drug charge. He sped off when an officer tried to pull him over, but eventually lost control, crashing into the cosmetology classroom.

“He went all the way up into the room, actually hit the teacher’s desk,” Coleman said.

Luckily, it wasn’t a school day and no one was inside when the accident happened, but it still left people who live in this area unnerved.

“It’s scary because people walk through here all the time,” said Felicia Graham. “We walk through here every day with the baby and if me or someone else happened to be crossing the street, he could have ran someone over or hurt somebody.”

A school official said the cosmetology class will move to a different classroom so on Monday it will be school as usual.

Taylor was taken to The Med after complaining of injuries. He faces multiple charges.