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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill increasing penalties on protesters last week, and it is causing controversy among lawmakers.

People who protest could face felonies under the new law, which would take away their voting rights.

State Sen. Raumesh Akbari (D-Memphis) expressed her disappointment in the governor’s decision to sign the bill and said the new law goes too far.

“It’s completely ridiculous,” Akbari said. “It’s unnecessary, and I think it’s really anti-American. This legislation is wrong, it is anti-American it is against the very principles of which our country was founded, and I will not give up until it’s something that we see turned back.”

Akbari said her main concern is that the bill would take away from people the right to exercise their rights to speak out and protest. She said the protests we are seeing across the nation today mirror the Civil Rights Movement.

“When you think about the sit-ins in the modern civil rights movement, that’s what folks were doing. They were staying in a place to demand to be heard and to demonstrate inequities in the law,” Akbari said.

 Akbari said if people are charged with felonies for voicing their opinions then another problem is created. She said she is worried people would potentially serve prison time and lose their right to vote, and it will be harder for them to get gainful employment.

During discussions of the bill, supporters like Rep. Andrew Farmer, an East Tennessee Republican, said the new laws do not take away freedom. In fact, he said, it makes it safer for people to safely protest.

“In fact, this piece of legislation makes it safer for individuals to protest and safely protest anywhere in Tennessee,” Farmer said. “It protects a protester and anyone protecting them from not to be spat on, not to be disrespected, and to have their voices heard.”

Hunter Demster, an activist from Memphis who has led many protests, said he thinks this new bill is a violation of the First Amendment. Demster said lawmakers should be using their time productively and trying to fix the issues versus creating new ones.

“If you want us to go away, start addressing the problems we’re out there protesting,” Demster said. “Don’t try to criminalize us utilizing our rights.”

The ACLU is also looking at the new legislation, and there is a chance it could end up in court.