Wendy Nations

Yes, that is her real name!  Wendy Howell-Nations is a proud Memphian with deep ties to the Mid-South community and the “station on the river.”  

Her grandfather was the original architect of the former newsroom studio, so you could say the news business is in her blood. No shrinking violet, Wendy has owned her own children’s clothing line, served in the field of meteorology for over 18 years, is a certified running coach, yoga and Pilates instructor, novice ukulele player, and is learning ASL in her spare time.

But, by far her greatest accomplishment is raising her two children.

“Tim Simpson, Jim Jaggers, and Todd Demers have my respect and admiration for being some of the most trusted meteorologists in the MidSouth, and being a part of this team is a responsibility I do not take lightly. Thank you for your kindness, encouragement, and support,” she says.

You can follow her Facebook and Twitter accounts in the links above, or follow her on Instagram at

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