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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Donors stepped up in a big way last month to rescue Christmas for the Salvation Army of Memphis & the Mid-South, making it the most successful campaign in the group’s 120-year history .

The charity announced it had raised more than $1.1 million through its red kettles and corporate partners, exceeding its goal of $901,000.

That’s despite the COVID-19 pandemic, which had dampened expectations for donations by as much as 50%. WREG was a partner in the fundraising efforts.

“Everything that we were looking at signaled that we would receive less money during the Christmas season then we usually have,” Major Marion Platt, Area Commander Salvation Army, said.

The Salvation Army said $1.1 million was enough to provide nearly three months of care, 18,000 meals, 6,300 hours of education, 90 nights of shelter for 100 women and children and 3,000 adopted angels.

“In nothing short of a Memphis miracle, our neighbors and the supporters of the Salvation Army showed up and helped us in a mighty big way,” Major Marion Platt, said,

The need isn’t over yet, though. Those donations only make up 24% of the Salvation Army’s operational costs for 2021, and they’ll need another $4 million this year. the group’s 2021 fundraising goal is $4.6 million

You can learn more about their programs and services at, and help with a $25 monthly gift at