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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — School isn’t out yet, but the Shelby County Health Department wants parents to start thinking about next school year.

In a matter of months, the Shelby County Health Department will move from its existing older building to a brand new, more spacious one. But the transition will happen in the summer, the health department’s busiest time as parents file in to get their children’s shots and vaccination records.

“So, for parents who may say ‘I can wait until later in July,’ we are saying, no please don’t, because we don’t want this mad rush,” said Shelby County Health Department’s Interim Director Dr. LaSonya Hall.

She is asking parents to start planning now to get the vital records like their own birth certificates required for the new driver’s licenses or passports and vaccination records kids must have for school.

“We want to make sure that they go back to school and they are prepared and that they are fully vaccinated, that parents have already in their files the shot records that they need so that registration is an ease,” Hall said. “We want to make sure they don’t get to their school and not have appropriate paper work.”

In July, when the health department staff is making the move to the new building next door, there will likely be some down time, which means typically long lines will be even longer.

And in the face of COVID-19, things will be even busier. Shelby County Schools will be opening earlier this Fall, and other districts may be making changes too.

So, the advice is to get those records now.

“Not only are we providing the records and documentation, but we can provide shots on the spot so that their children’s records are up to date,” said Hall.

The Shelby County Health Department says you can find what shots your children need at what age by going to the health department’s website.

You can also get your vital records at any of the department’s satellite clinics as well.