Jim Jaggers getting back on the road for Go Jim Go MEMPHIS, Tenn. — It’s that time of year again, when WREG meteorologist Jim Jaggers puts the pedal to the metal biking hundreds of miles to raise money for Le Bonheur Children’s …
Child diagnosed with Spina Bifida beating the odds SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn.-- A young Shelby County boy diagnosed with Spina Bifida continues to beat the odds after doctors told his mother he was not expected to live and that if …
It’s the last day to donate to Go Jim Go! Wednesday is the final day of our Go Jim Go fundraising ride for Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, but there's still plenty of time and ways to contribute. More than …
Go Jim Go! starts 17th annual ride for Le Bonheur Wednesday marks the big kickoff for Go Jim Go 2022. You can watch Jim go here at 9 a.m. in the live player at the top of this story. Weather expert Jim Jaggers and …