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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Many kids dream of going to Disney World or Hawaii, but Amelia Meyer’s wish was closer to home.

The 8-year-old received a wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Amelia, who has brain cancer, wished to pick up trash around her city, KFOR reported.

“It doesn’t look nice, and another reason is because it can stay dirty and it can get animals sick,” Amelia told KFOR.

Her selfless wish caught the attention of many others who joined in to help.

Helzberg Diamonds, The Kansas City Missouri Parks and Recreation Department, the Kansas City Fire Department, the Kansas City Police Department and hundreds of volunteers joined Make-A-Wish and Amelia as they started the day of cleanup at Swope Park.

“I know some kids might want to go to Disney World and stuff, or meet famous people, but I really feel like Amelia picked the right wish,” Amelia’s best friend, Samantha Asquith, said.

Her wish really did fit her well. Amelia’s mother, Jill Meyer, explained how her daughter loves to play outdoors.

“She’s always been that kid I cannot get inside,” she said.

Amelia’s day of service even spread beyond the city limits.

The Kansas City mayor declared the day “Amelia Meyer’s Take Care Of The World Day,” and people across the world picked up trash in their own hometowns in her honor, using #AmeliasWish to help make her wish go all around the globe.