
Amazon charges Middle Tennessee couple $1,000 to ship paper plates

GALLATIN, Tenn. — A Middle Tennessee couple was recently told by Amazon they were not overcharged after they received a  $1,000 bill for a shipment of paper plates.

Bob and Lorie Galloway shared their story with WTVF in Nashville in the hopes it will serve as a reminder to always be careful online.

The couple said they ordered a package of paper plates for $24 total just before Christmas. Being Prime members, they thought that’s all they would be spending, until they received a bill in the mail for $1,080.

That was the price to cover expedited shipping from Atlanta.

The couple repeatedly tried to contact the seller but with no luck. That’s when they tried to get Amazon to help, but after an investigation, the company said the Galloways were “not overcharged for the transaction.”

In other words, there was nothing they could do.

Amazon stated the seller made it clear the couple had opted for the expedited shipping and thus agreed to the $1,000 + shipping fee. That’s something the Galloways said is not true.

“If it would have said a thousand and something dollars, I would have noticed that,” Lorie told WTVF.

The seller has since been dismissed from selling products on Amazon after doing the same thing to other buyers.

Thankfully, after months of disputing the shipping with their credit card company, the Galloways were able to get a refund but are seriously reconsidering where they shop in the future.