
Trumann community working to recover after tornado

TRUMANN, Ark – Recovery continues across the Mid-South after several tornadoes ravaged a number of communities. Among the hardest hit towns in Arkansas is Trumann where city leaders have issued a curfew as a result of the damage. 

A tornado swept through the center of the town Friday night, injuring residents and destroying businesses, homes and even a fire station.

“That was difficult because firefighters are the ones who go out and help rescue people in these times. It slowed them down just a tad, but they were able to dig their way out and help a lot of people,” Trumann Police Chief Jonathan Redman said.

In spite of the huge blow to this community, there’s a spirit of resiliency here amid tragedy.

Following the storm, support has been pouring into the community. It’s what brought people like David Browder out Saturday.

“Even though somebody may not treat you right sometimes, you’re supposed to do what the Bible says and don’t repay for evil, you overcome evil with good and I believe getting out here trying to do some good is what I’m doing today,” Browder said.

While this town faces a tough road to recovery, the community is committed to bouncing back from this tragedy.

“The lord provided and we’re lucky but we’re not only lucky but we’re blessed and we’re a resilient community. We’re Trumann tough we’re gonna make it through,” Chief Redman said.

While things may look different, the sense of community remains.If anyone is needing food, clothes or supplies, the Trumann recreation center has been set up to support storm victims during this time.