
Beale Street Music Fest: A Money Maker

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — It’s no secret Beale Street swells with people each year for Memphis in May.

Friday night’s crowd was carrying cash and lots of it.

Business owners said it was apparent this weekend things were going to be “up”.

“If I had to guess I’d say 100 up, yes sir,” said one business owner.

You could credit the weather, the grand opening of the new Bass Pro Shop, or a little bit of it all, but more tourists were downtown soaking up the city along with the music fest.

“This is Memphis’ best show,” said a tourist from St. Louis.

Most of the money weas spent along Beale and Friday night the north end of downtown sat pretty quiet even with Bass Pro there.

“Some people seem to do better than others but we’re picking up slowly,” said a carriage driver.

She was still optimistic and the folks at the music fest said they should be.

“That’s a $70 million economic impact from Memphis in May. It really does drive tourism and bring people in from all over the world,” said Valerie Morris, organizer.
