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MEMPHIS, Tenn. —Barbara Miller taught kindergarten for 18 years and said it was wonderful. She loved teaching and after she retired she knew she had to continue teaching, though the lesson turned out to be much different than any she taught before.

Spending more time at home, she began working out. It became a trend after feeling pain in her body.

“When I turned over and was getting up and everything and all of a sudden this leg right here stopped me in my tracks and as I laid there it’s like I got to do something. I got to get out of this bed,” she said.

Barbara got up and active, but it wasn’t your typical cardio. She started using her body for subtle movements that still made a difference in her routine.

It was like finding her purpose all over again.

“For older people who can exercise in their bed and other ways that they’re doing where they don’t have to go anywhere and they don’t have to buy anything,” she said.

Barbara wrote a book and a DVD called Exercises to enjoy your golden years. In the book, she demonstrates to seniors the exercises that have worked for her from home.

“It’s about doing exercises. Trying to get your heart beat up, get your blood circulating. Revive you and everything, and you know, enjoy life,” she said.

Enjoying life is what she is doing after doing so much for others.