(Memphis) After much confusion and media attention, the City of Memphis has dropped its lawsuit against Tennessee’s Voter ID law.
A spokesperson for the City has now told us the lawsuit will be refiled next week in Chancery Court in Nashville.
The City wanted a judge to order the State of Tennessee to accept the new Memphis Library Card with photo. The city spent $67,000 to implement the new card, the only problem was it is not considered a valid ID with which to vote.
The state requires a photo ID issued by a Federal or State agency, even IDs from other states and ones that are expired.
In July, a judge in Nashville ruled the Library Photo ID card could not be used to vote in Tennessee.
While one judge did say the city’s ID plan is a good one the judge said the legislatures must change the law first.
Something not everyone agrees with.
“Anybody can walk in there and get one. I mean you have to show some kind of ID but you don`t have to give your social security number but there is no guarantee it’s you,” said Judy McCarver.
A spokesperson for the city tells News Channel 3 the lawsuit will be refiled next week in chancery
Click HERE to get the Facts about what you need to vote in Tennessee.
Click HERE to read more about this case.