(Memphis) Along North Parkway, you will find plenty of cracked and broken sidewalks.
“The old trees and everything, it’s the roots that are growing up,” says Lori Tuggle, who lives on North Parkway.
The Tuggle family have lived on North Parkway a year and never thought the sidewalk was their responsibility.
“I know you are responsible if somebody falls. You are supposed to keep it clear in case somebody falls,” says Lori Tuggle.
She didn’t know she must also keep it repaired.
The sidewalk in front of your property is up to you to maintain, not the city or county.
Mayor AC Wharton says you wouldn’t know it by the number of complaints the city gets.
“Folks call me and blast me for not fixing their sidewalks, when it’s their responsibility,” says Wharton.
So the city is cracking down and enforcing an often ignored city ordinance that says every owner of property must keep sidewalks or walkways in good repair and condition.
“We are getting ready to start enforcing that and we are gonna have a lot of hardship cases,” says Wharton.
“So many people out of work. How can you afford to get your sidewalk fixed when you can’t even pay your light bill?” says Lori Tuggle.
There could be consequences for not repairing your sidewalks, starting with a warning all the way up to a lien on your property.
The Tuggles say they are in a catch-22, since the bad sidewalks are caused by old trees.
“You have to have a permit to get the tree cut down in order for you to fix the sidewalk,” say Melvin Tuggle, who lives on North Parkway.
“They should just let us know first before they start cracking down on people because that is expensive,” says Lori Tuggle.
The City plans on getting the word out along with information and options for hardship cases, giving people a chance to make repairs before they are forced to do so.
If you’re given a notice to make repairs, you’ll have 30 days to do it.
If the city has to do it instead, you’ll have to pay for it and failing to pay could land you in court.
Livable Memphis is a community organization that can deliver materials on how to get your sidewalk in shape.
Go to http://livablememphis.org/ or call 901-725-8370 for details.