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JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves held his COVID-19 press conference on Wednesday to announce his new comprehensive Safe Recovery order as a one-stop resource for Mississippians as the curve continues to flatten on new COVID-19 cases. 

Reeves is extending some statewide COVID-19 measures, but that does not include the statewide mask mandate. The current executive order expires at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

“I still believe that masks work,” Reeves said. “I think the facts and data across our country bear that out.”

Reeves said he hopes Mississippians will continue to wear their masks and face-coverings despite allowing the executive order to expire. He said people should be trusted to make their own decisions.

Masks are still required at schools and close contact businesses such as barbershops and salons.

Under the new executive order, some social distancing restrictions have been eased as our new COVD-19 case numbers continue to improve. A few of the relaxed restrictions include increasing attendance at outdoor K-12 extracurricular events such as football games to 50 percent of seating capacity, limiting group gatherings when you are unable to social distance to no more than 20 indoors and 100 outdoors.

The order is in effect until Wednesday, November 11 at 5:00 p.m.

You can view the text version of Executive Order No. 1525 here. Signed versions of all executive orders related to COVID-19 can be found on our website at