SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — It’s the busy season for rodent removal services.
Jody Dyles, with Have a Heart Animal Control, said he’s getting an influx of calls.
“Spring and fall. Twice a year,” he told WREG. “You can spend a lot of money trying to prevent something, and it will still beat you. I just told them to deal with it as it happens.”
Dyles said many four-legged critters, more specifically squirrels and raccoons, have babies in the Spring.
They like warm, quiet and protected places to raise their litters.
Their favorite spot is your attic, crawl spaces and walls.
Dyles said you can check for access points like broken vent covers and loose roof shingles, but the critters can still create holes and get through.
“It’s like trying to fix a flat tire that doesn’t have a hole in it yet. You’ve got to deal with it when it happens,” he said.
That’s not stopping a lot of you from trying to ward them off. Memphians had all sorts of ideas from fake snakes to sprinkling Cayenne pepper to getting a pet.
“I see a lot. We have dogs, so they don’t really bother us,” said Cindy Carpenter. “Especially the [dog] I got. It likes to hunt.”
Experts said if breeding rodents are left unchecked, they can cause damage to your home and create health hazards.
Dyles said if you think a critter is in your attic or house, act quickly, get several estimates and seal off any areas they got through to hopefully keep it from happening next breeding season.