
Doctors: 2017 to be a bad year for ticks

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — If you plan to hike, camp or spend any time in the great outdoors this summer make sure you protect yourself against ticks.

Scientists predicted 2017 would be a bad year for ticks and doctors locally said they are already seeing a lot more tick bites than last year.

Experts are blaming it on the increase in the white footed mice population that carry Lyme disease and on the warmer temperatures that allow ticks to remain active longer.

The best advice to prevent tick bites?

If you plan to be in a heavily wooded area or near tall grass or brush, spray yourself with a bug repellent that has deet and wear long sleeves and pants.

Also, check yourself and your kids from head to toe when you come back inside.

“We’ve seen a couple with a target lesion that looks like a target. It’s a red rash with a pale center and that’s pathognomic often times of Lyme disease,” said Dr. Mark Castellaw.

You can remove a tick with tweezers, but if you develop a rash you need to see your doctor to get antibiotics.

Tick related illnesses can cause all kinds of issues from arthritis to mental and kidney problems.

