
Dozens Head To DC To Mark 50th Anniversary Of March On Washington

(Memphis) About 50 people from the Mid-South will leave Thursday evening, headed to a weekend full of events in Washington DC.

They will be joining thousands of others who will be marking the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I have a dream” speech.

“We will be getting up bright and early Saturday morning to join with The King Center out of Atlanta, The NAACP, AFSCME and SCLC.  So there will be tens of thousands of people there,” said Elaine Turner with Heritage Tours, which is coordinating the trip.

They are expecting those of all ages, including some travelers who were in Washington for the march 50 years ago.

“There are youth rallies, the first youth rally we may be able to get there in time for that,” added Turner.

There will also be representatives from the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis going along for the trip.

“One thing I am hoping the young people pick up for this is the whole sense of community, the whole like mindedness of a large group of people all living in this country all with the same hopes and aspirations,” said Barbara Turner, Education Director with the NCRM.

The actual anniversary is August 28; however, this will only be a weekend trip to accommodate more schedules.