
Every Man for Every Man Revitalization Project puts young men to work

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Memphis group stepped up to keep young men out of trouble and give them summer jobs through your donations.

The ‘Every Man for Every Man’ revitalization project has brought these communities together.

The goal they said was to get people in the community to donate just one dollar.

That dollar would help give young men summer jobs.

As part of the program. the young men would be responsible for cutting vacant lots and making communities like Douglass a safer place to live.

“I want to make a difference in my community and show the youth that we can do it,” said Jebori Thomas.

Thomas was one of many young men who found work through the revitalization project.

They teamed up with mentors and cleaned up neighborhoods all across the City of Memphis.

“I`m also roofing during the summer. I`m landscaping and painting. I`m doing a whole lot around the community to kind of help, embrace others to do well,” he said.

Pastor Torrie Wilson started the project and said it was his way of reducing poverty and keeping young men off the streets.

“We are giving them donations through donations, so we`re putting monies in their pockets so they won`t turn to crime or whatever,” he stated.

The young men said they could tell others in the community liked what they were doing.

“I just got $10 from concerned citizens just standing out here. If this one dollar, my one dollar, gets with other one dollars, we will have enough money to create opportunities, businesses right in the community,” Wilson said.

So far they have raised $16 hundred.

If you would like to donate, send your donation to:

Torrie Wilson
Every Man for Every Man
P.O. Box 313
Memphis, TN 38184
