(Fayette County, TN) Fayette County Schools has three snow days left, and with more icy weather expected Wednesday morning, there’s a good chance they’ll dip into those days again.
FCS said the decision won’t be made until early Thursdsy morning.
Parents said they’ve lost count. There’s been that many snow days in Fayette County.
Tuesday, schools were closed for icy roads making the grand total: eight days kids got a break from school.
“We have three snow days remaining. After we use those three, we will have to make the remaining either on spring break, Saturdays or this summer,” said Superintendent James Teague.
The Mid-South has seen one of the coldest winters, and Fayette County is no exception.
Parents said these frigid, icy temperatures have become a hassle. Snow days have forced parents to scramble for daycare and babysitters, and even kept them home from work.
“Thankfully they have a grandma that watches them, so we have to work. I’m lucky with that, but it’s got to be hard on the parents that don’t have anyone to wTh them,” said one FCS parent.
Fayette county students go to school 30 extra minutes a day, so they can stash some emergency days.
If there is one pocket of ice or snow in the county, FCS said it has to close the entire county for safety.