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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Two former Papa John’s employees and the mother of another former employee were arrested after their former manager claimed they followed her home and tried to cause a wreck.

The manager tells police things started April 16, when Tasha Jones showed up at the Papa John’s on Brooks Road near Millbranch and threatened to kill her and her family.

It was allegedly a dispute over docked wages from Jones’ daughter’s final check, but Jones’ daughter disputes that.

“My mom never threatened to kill her,” she said.

Jones’ daughter said her mother banged on the door, but wasn’t let in and then left.

“I just don’t get that. My mom went home, and I made sure she went home,” Jones’ daughter said.

What the manager says happened next is even more perplexing to Jones’ daughter.

The manager said she was driving home on I-240 when she noticed Jones and three other vehicles driven by former Papa John’s employees behind her.

She said three of the vehicles blocked her in, while a fourth, driven by Ronda Phillips, got in front of her and repeatedly slammed on the brakes.

“None of that happened, but it’s just like there was no investigation,” Jones’ daughter said.

She said she used to be friends with her former manager but quit two weeks ago.

“I got sick of her treating the employees unfair. Simple as that. I left,” she said.

Papa John’s was locked, and none of the employees would come to the window when WREG tried to seek a comment. A listed phone number went straight to a voice recording.

“She’s only bringing up what she feels will hurt me. She only did this to hurt me and Ronda,” Jones said of her former manager.

WREG went to an address listed for the Papa John’s manager, but no one answered.

All three suspects have been charged with reckless endangerment. Jones is also charged with assault.