
Fund started for Batesville Elementary School teachers after fire

BATESVILLE, Miss. — Much of Batesville Elementary School was burned along with 17 classrooms which had supplies and aides teachers used with students.

Teachers paid for much of the items out of their own pockets.

The Batesville First Security Bank started a fund to help raise money for teachers who lost everything just weeks before school begins.

“There’s nothing more important than your children, and the children of our community are the future of our community,” Frank West, president of First Security Bank, said. “I think these teachers do an excellent job with our children and if they’ll get this basic education early I think it will make all of the difference in our community and the state.”

The bank planned to match donations up to $15,000.

If you are interested in donating to the fund, go to an First Security Bank location and mention you are giving to the Batesville Elementary School Teacher’s Fund.
