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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The victim said she was at the Bank of America on Austin Pea Highway near the Raleigh-Springs Mall when a man she thought was trying to help ended up robbing her on the spot.

People who live there said they can’t believe that even with all those cameras you aren’t safe at a bank!

Mary Knox said she shops just across the street from where this happened, and it’s a perfect example of why she doesn’t ever use the ATM.

“They have more cameras on the inside than they do on the outside,” she said.

The victim got some money from this ATM Friday night just after 5pm, but one of the bills looked suspicious.

She was taking a closer look when she said Davius Collins approached her.

She told police he asked if everything was okay.

Then he escorted her inside the bank to check and make sure the money wasn’t counterfeit.

Collins walked her back to her car, but the gig was up.

Police told WREG the seemingly “Good Samaritan” demanded she give him her money and jewelry.

Then he took off.

Knox said this reminded her of when she got robbed several years ago.

“I pulled up to a stop sign, and they attacked me there.” she recalled.

Police never caught those men, but luckily in this case they did.

The victim was able to give a description of Collins’ car, and they found him 3 hours later.

He’s charged with aggravated robbery and driving with a suspended license.