
Google cuts off all support for Chrome on older operating systems

Courtesy of Google

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — If you still use Windows XP, you need to listen up.

On its blog, Google announced it would stop sending out updates and security fixes for anyone using that operating system along with Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 effective April 2016.

These platforms are no longer supported by Microsoft or Apple, and Google encouraged everyone to make the switch to a newer operating system sooner rather than later.

This will make sure your system is continued to be secure from malware.

However if you are set in your ways, that doesn’t mean you have to give up what you are use to.

Chrome will continue to work past the April 2016 deadline, reported CNET, but you will be more vulnerable to attacks on your computer.

You also won’t get any of the updates.
