
Hands-off: Experts say pay attention to your hands during coronavirus outbreak

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Think about it; how many times do you scratch your nose or put your hand near your mouth? Then where do you put your hands before and after you do that?

Different studies have found we touch our faces anywhere from three to 23 times an hour. That’s why experts are warning people to pay a lot more attention.

At Wrapzody restaurant on Main Street, owner Joe Yates said he’s taking common-sense precautions.

“Everybody wears gloves,” Yates said. “We’ve been doing it.”

The restaurant also had sand sanitizer on the counter for customers.

But doctors say if you’re not careful, all these efforts will be for nothing.

“If you look around, you’ll notice people are constantly touching their face,” said Dr. Manoj Jain, infectious disease specialist. “They don’t even know it. That brings germs to your mucus membrane. That’s how viruses can enter.”

Jim Pogue said he’s been skipping the handshake, a measure to minimize the spread of any germs.

“I think that’s something we do unconsciously, so it’s harder to do that, but yeah, certainly aware of it,” Pogue said.

According to the CDC, you’re more likely to catch coronavirus from a person rather than a contaminated surface, but keep in mind these tips can also help prevent the spread of the flu, which can be just as dangerous during this time.