
Hate Your Credit Score? Gripe to the Government

(Memphis)  It’s a number that’s still sort of a mystery. 

Yet your credit score can determine whether or not you get a loan, how high the interest will be and could even factor into a job search.

Up until now, if you wanted to dispute an issue on your credit report, you had to contact one of the three, major credit bureaus Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.  Well, now, there’s a federal resource for complaining about your credit score.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced it will be taking complaints. Issues may range from incorrect information on a credit report to problems with identity protection services. 

The CFPB encourages consumers to contact them after they’ve reached out to one of the credit bureaus to resolve the problem.

You can call 1-855-411-2372  or submit a complaint here.