
Homeowner Shoots And Chases Burglars

(Memphis) Police say a man chased down a pair of burglars.

The homeowner not only shot at them as they tried to break into his home, but actually followed them in his car to make sure they got caught.

Two brothers are now in jail, charged with attempted burglary and attempted murder.

“It all happened so fast,” said Mr. Hall. “They got out of the car and started shooting at me.”

Not everyone would do what this man did. He didn’t want to be on camera and just wants to be called ‘Mr. Hall.”

“How many times did they shoot at you?” asked reporter Sabrina Hall.

“Nine, ten,” said Mr. Hall.

Police say when Darren and Aldavian Summerville tried to break into his house, Mr.Hall shot at them and chased them down to get their tag number for police. He says he was on the phone with police the whole time.

“I was right behind them when the police came,” said Mr. Hall.

It all started when Mr. Hall says the two men thought no one was home and tried to climb into his house through his bedroom window.

Mr. Hall scared them away. He says he leaned out his window and shot his pistol at the burglars, who ran and jumped over a fence.

At some point, they got into a green Suburban and drove back past Mr. Hall’s house and that is how he ended up following them. On the drive down Knight Arnold, Mr. Hall says the two burglars pulled over three times to shoot at him.

“They were pointing their gun at you? And they didn’t hit you or your car?” asked reporter Hall.

“No, ma’am,” he said.

He says it’s God’s grace that he’s alive.

“What do you think about what you did and what happened?” asked reporter Hall.

“I wouldn’t recommend it,” said Mr. Hall. “It was just something in the spur of the moment. It was Sunday, Father`s Day, and I just felt like I had to do something.”

What he did has got the Summervilles in jail, charged with attempted murder.

“Everybody does things differently,” said next door neighbor Peggy Bland-Seltzer.

Bland-Seltzer doesn’t think she would have done the same thing, but is sick of the burglaries on Chippewa Road, like her husband’s tires and rims being stolen.

“My husband is a disabled veteran so it was very upsetting,” she said.

Mr. Hall hopes he brought the crime spree to an end.

“I wouldn`t do anything differently. I would play it out just the way it was,” he said.

The brothers are both in jail on a $200,000 bond.