
Inspection reports from Kirby High detail urine from rodents was “so bad” in the halls

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Health inspectors say the smell of urine from rodents was so bad it overwhelmed the halls at Kirby High.

It’s detailed in the new inspection reports we uncovered about the major rat infestation that shut down the school indefinitely.

The reports detail the pest problems at Kirby High escalated at the beginning of the school year despite pest control treatments performed over the summer.

Reports state when crews went to cleanup an old green house behind the schools, the rats scattered into the main building.

On August 2, the district’s pest control stated they killed the first “big rat.”

August 26, crews were back treating Kirby for mice and rates, and then a snake and other insects.

Two days later, more and more rodents were allegedly found.

Administrators chose to cancel class on August 28. That’s when county health inspectors came in and noted a strong smell of rat urine taking over the halls.

The school tried to reopen after Labor Day, but then officials listed the pest problem as an emergency. THey claimed they found more rats and droppings.

Kirby High closed indefinitely the next day as students were later shuffled to new schools.

The district said it has spent $20,000 on the pest problem.

THey set bait, snap-traps and glue boards. Crews clocked hundreds of hours.

We asked SCS for a tour of Kirby to see how far they’ve come, but we were told, “tours of the building won’t be available for a while.”

Inspection reports through the 2017 school year only list occasional pests. The health department reports through mid-August, the school passed all inspections.
