
Interim Superintendent’s $270,000 Salary in Question

(Memphis) A clause in the Memphis City Schools policy says an interim head of schools can be compensated the same amount as the person they’re replacing.

When MCS general counsel Dorsey Hopson was appointed to fill Kriner Cash’s role, he automatically got the $270,000 salary Cash had negotiated.

The only difference is Cash has years of experience as a superintendent and Hopson has none when it comes to being a superintendent.

“My legal skill set was probably potentially helpful because I think giving the circumstances I don`t think I would necessarily say it was too much,” said Hopson.

Hopson says he appreciates what he`s being paid and thinks it`s fair under the circumstances.  Unified board member Chris Caldwell agrees.

“If their doing the work they deserve to be compensated for it. Can he make the right decisions for the board at this time?  I firmly know and believe he can,” said Unified Board Member Chris Caldwell.

Hopson is also serving as the Shelby County superintendent but is not being paid for that job.

The pay he receives as the board`s attorney has also be suspended.

Caldwell says the MCS policy has not been discussed by the unified board, but says all policies including that one will be looked at and reconsidered.

At this point it appears Shelby County does not have a similar policy.

Hopson will not be paid that entire $270,000.

He has agreed to serve as interim from February 1 to June 30 and will get a prorated amount for the time he serves.