
Interstate shooting victims recount frightening drives

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — It’s becoming far to common. People are being shot at while driving on Memphis highways and interstates. It’s happened 29 times so far in 2019.

Donna Romine says she was headed north on I-55 when she spotted a man driving erratically near the right shoulder.

“I don’t know where he came from.”

She says he pulled along side her, “and I looked back over, and I saw his arm move. It didn’t dawn on him what he was doing. Next thing I know, ‘Pow.”

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Police say he fired a shot into her car and then sped off. Romine says she wants to know why.

The bullet shattered her passenger side window, but she wasn’t hit.

“I’m gonna cry now, because it was very emotional, because I didn’t expect it would happen to me.”

Romine’s husband couldn’t believe it either. He says he got a similar call less than two weeks earlier when one of his employees was nearly killed too.

“It’s bottom line scary. Now it gives me the chills just thinking about it.”

He says his employee was driving a fuel truck down I-55 when a man pulled up, fired a shot through his passenger window and sped away.

The employee wasn’t hit, and neither was the fuel tank.

Both incident happened early in the year, but WREG didn’t know about them until Wednesday when MPD finally gave us information we’d been requesting for months.

We asked police if there have been any arrests in those cases, but they haven’t responded.