(Whiteville, TN) Alexandria and Kyliyah Bain are not only victims, kidnapped by accused murderer Adam Mayes, they are also witnesses to the crime that kept them hidden in the woods for several days.
The FBI is still working with the children to find out if Adam Mayes acted alone to keep them captive in the woods.
Child Forensic investigators are meeting with Alexandria and Kyliyah Bain to piece together their case against Adam Mayes and his wife Teresa.
Investigators say they have received tips someone helped hide Mayes and the Bain sisters.
They’re interviewing the Bain girls to see if that’s true, but after their kidnapping the FBI is being very gentle with questioning.
Dorothy Haase lives in Hardeman County and hopes the continued questioning of the Bain girls doesn’t stall their ability to heal.
“I wish they would just leave them alone and let them have some peace for a little while and not bother them,” said Haase.
But the FBI needs answers and Alexandria and Kyliyah hold the key to a lot of information.
The TBI reports Mayes’ wife Teresa and mother Mary are the only people who have been arrested because of the double homicide and kidnapping.
Several of Mayes’ neighbors including Ronnie Rich have been arrested, but the Union County Sheriff’s department claims that has nothing to do with the case.
The FBI is not commenting on those arrests.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is wrapping up its investigation into the murders of Jo Ann and Adrienne Bain and the kidnapping of Alexandria and Kyliyah.
Evidence they’ve collected will now be turned over to Hardeman County’s district attorney Mike Dunavent.
He says Mayes wife and mother could face additional charges depending on what he sees in the TBI’s evidence.
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