
Kids line up for first day of SCS Summer Food Service Program

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Kids lined up Thursday for the first day of the summer’s food service program.

Shelby County Schools offered the meals and snacks at participating community organizations, complexes, churches and camps.

The Division of Nutrition Services said this program has been going on since 1986.

However, last year set a record in the district for the number of sites offering the food.

SCS currently has about 450 sites handing out the meals and snacks twice a day.

Director Calvin Johnson said the district is looking to possibly add another 200 sites.

That would make this summer the biggest yet.

WREG visited on of the sites at the Ridgecrest Apartments where children were already lined up outside the door.

“During the summer time, they help us feed the kids while they’re outside playing,” said parent Kourtney Batts who was there with her kids.

Thursday, a sandwich, fruit and milk were on the menu.

Some parents walked up to the complex’s front office to help their children pick up the food.

Others did not.

Thursday morning, staff at Nutrition Services were already busy preparing Friday’s breakfast.

“Some of the areas within the city, without this program, maybe some kids would not have an opportunity to get a meal. So, it’s a program that’s needed,” Johnson said.

Johnson said SCS has prepared to feed lunch to between 22,000 and 24,000 kids this summer.

He said the money for the summer program came from the Department of Human Services.

Another mother at the apartment complex told WREG this is her first time trying out the program.

She said she was grateful because with five mouths to feed, her summer grocery bills quickly adds up.

Any child under 18 is eligible to receive the free food.

You may find a summer food site near you at this link.
