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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The pest problem at Kirby High disrupts students at more than one school.

“The teachers are here getting settled in. Getting ready,” said Kirby High Principal Steevon Hunter. “Teachers are going to get right back where they left off.”

Three weeks into the new year, the district closed Kirby due to a rodent infestation. For days the school shut down, tried to reopen and then shut down again.

“I know our business operations team has been there every day. Twelve to 14 hours a day working with outside partners to really fix Kirby,” said Shelby County Schools assistant superintendent Dr. Joris Ray.

Finally, the district decided to relocate the 800 students.

Starting Monday, 11th- and 12th-grade students will go to Kirby Middle, and 9th- and 10th-graders will go to W.E.B. DuBois Middle on East Shelby Drive.

The district said they moved DuBois students into Cummings Street Baptist Church, because it’s a smaller space and Kirby students wouldn’t have been as comfortable.

They said that transition was smooth.

“They are set up. They didn’t miss any instructional time,” said Hunter.

Meanwhile, Kirby students are making up work in take-home laptops, and they will be offered after-school and Saturday tutoring.

District officials said transportation was another thing they worked out.

“Students that ordinarily ride the bus will continue to go to their bus stops. Students that walk to school will arrive at Kirby High and receive transportation to their respective sites,” said Ray.

SCS said parents can clear up transportation and other questions at the open hours tomorrow at DuBois Middle from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

As for makeup days, SCS said right now, that will depend on whether or not more school is missed this year due to weather or other circumstances.