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CORDOVA, Tenn. — Police say twenty-seven cats living in filthy conditions were rescued from a home on Eagle Shore Drive in Cordova.

Officers said they also found one dead cat that was decomposing.

The man who lives at the residence, 61-year-old Harry Woo was arrested and charged with aggravated cruelty to animals.

1800 block of Eagle Shore Drive in Cordova (Photo by Melissa Moon, WREG)

Police said Memphis animal control officers went to the house last Friday for a court follow-up with Woo. They said Woo had previous incidents involving animal cruelty.

They said animal control was forced to call for police because Woo refused to let them inside.

Police said the residence was covered in large amounts of feline feces, and there was a strong order of ammonia from cat urine in the flooring.

Woo was released from jail on a $500 bond and is scheduled to appear before a judge on Monday.