
How to prevent AC unit problems in summertime weather

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — With summer just beginning and temperatures hitting dangerous levels, you are probably hoping your home’s air conditioning unit is prepared for the season.

WREG spoke with technician Jason Smith from Choate’s Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing performing routine maintenance on a home’s A.C. unit in Cordova. It is no secret when the heat is on, service techs are on the run non-stop.

“We’re running three to four guys on call every night until 11:00,” Smith said. “We are booked up right now.”

Smith, commercial and residential service manager with Choate’s, says it’s best not to wait until temperatures soar to have your air conditioning unit serviced but rather set up a preventive maintenance schedule.

“It’s kind of like having a car. You want to make sure you get your oil changed in that vehicle,” Smith said. “This is the same principle. You want to make sure you get it washed and get that filter replaced. Get your capacitors checked.”

Air filters should be changed every 30 days during the summer. Use a Sharpie to mark the new one with the date as a reminder.

Smith says some parts naturally fail over years of use, and during the summer heat, a typical A.C unit will be running just about the whole day. He said one sure way to reduce wear and tear and lower your utility bill is to raise the thermostat.

To save energy, they recommend you putting it at 78 degrees. It is a personal comfort settings level, but it is up to you how comfortable you are in your home.

Smith says you will know your A.C is on the “fritz” when both heat and humidity go up in your house, so it is the simple steps before problems set in that can save you big bucks on service and parts in the long run.

They can be anywhere from a $190 fix to anywhere to $1,500-1,800 depending on what component has failed.

Smith also said even though Choate’s technicians are booked., the company is evaluating each service call in an effort to help the elderly, expectant mothers and those with babies in their homes get their A.C issues resolved.

Mark Davison of Remington College listed the following tips to keep your air conditioning running properly: