
Driver found shot after car crash on Sycamore View

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphis Police say a driver was found dead after a crash on Interstate 40 near Sycamore View.

Officers responded to the scene Wednesday evening. When officers arrived, they say they found a crashed vehicle with a driver who had been shot multiple times. The driver was dead.

It’s a sight that doesn’t surprise drivers like Patricia Causey.

“I stay out of people’s way,” Causey said. “When I see people wanna get in, if I can I let them in, I let them in, I let them go. I don’t blow my horn, I really don’t. I’m scared to blow my horn to get somebody in the way. When I hear it now, it’s become just another problem in the day.”

Memphis Police say they are still working to determine where the shooting occurred. This year there have been 93 interstate shootings. Last year there were at least 80.

“Please try to be courteous, try to understand that everybody has problem,” Causey said. “Most people are in a hurry, most people are already angry, so do the best you can to maintain yourself because you can’t control anybody else.”

Police won’t release the identity of the victim until next of kin have been notified. If you know anything about this shooting, contact Crime Stoppers at (901) 528-CASH.