MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Terri Orr’s life changed on Sept. 9, 2018. That’s the day her son Prentice Pleas was murdered.
“You obviously hated my son,” she said. “You shot him six times. That’s hate.”
Orr says she got a phone call from her son just before 10 p.m. asking for help. He said he was at a gas station on Shelby Drive and Third Street with a flat tire.
When she arrived, Pleas was nowhere to be found. But his car was there, and blood covered the passenger seat.
She called his phone repeatedly but he never answered. So she went home and waited for him to call, but that call never came.
“Ain’t a go day goes by that I don’t think about him and I’m just tired,” she said. “Sometimes I can’t cry and sometimes I cry like a flood.”
Hours laters, she went back to the gas station and asked the clerk if he had seen her son.
“He said, ‘They didn’t tell you? They found a body about 2 a.m. this morning over there in a wooded area,’” she said. “It was like a horse kicked me in my gut, like someone kicked me in my gut. I bent over, I know right then that my child was gone.”
The murder leaves two small children to grow up without their father.
Orr says she believes her son may have set up but she doesn’t know who would want him dead.
Homicide investigators say it does not appear Pleas was the victim of a robbery.
“I love you son, I miss you son, we are going to do everything we can with the Lord’s help to get closure and justice for you,” Orr said.
If you know who murdered Prentice Pleas, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 901-528-CASH. Your tip could help put a dangerous criminal behind bars and some cash in your pockets. All calls are confidential.