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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Memphis couple was killed, and their deaths leave more questions than answers.The mother of one of the victims says he was on the brink of starting a new chapter in his life.

Toya Taylor remembers one of the last conversations she had with her son, Demetrice “DJ” Driver. 

“He said, ‘Ma, God got me.’ Three to four days later, he’s dead,” she said.

Memphis homicide detectives say Driver and his girlfriend Allison Shinall, were murdered in their Whitehaven apartment in July.  

When Taylor arrived at her son’s apartment, blue lights and crime scene tape surrounded the complex. Worried and confused, she had no idea where her son and his girlfriend were.

“A detective came and told me my son was dead,” she said.

Investigators say a neighbor noticed the door to the couple’s apartment open and when she checked on them, she found them both dead with gunshot wounds to the head.

Taylor admits her son  was not perfect but says he didn’t deserve to be murdered.

“I feel that somebody they knew was jealous, envious and set them up,” she said.

Taylor said her son was murdered just as he was about to turn his life around.

“He was very smart. He wanted to go to college, he wanted to start his own business, he talked about how God had given him another chance and now that was taken from him,” Taylor said.

Driver’s two small children are left to grow up without their father 

If you know who killed Demetrice “DJ” Driver and Allison Shinall, you are urged to call Memphis Police at 901-528-CASH. All calls are confidential.