
Survey shows Memphis businesses hurting due to COVID-19

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A recent survey from the Greater Memphis Chamber shows local businesses are taking hits due to the pandemic.

Deni Reilly, owner of the Majestic Grille in downtown Memphis, said her business is feeling the heat.

“Right now, we’ve made the choice to keep our doors closed,” Reilly said. “We feel that until there is a significant amount of the office workers back downtown that we are in a better position financially to keep our door shut than to open them.”

COVID-19’s impact on Shelby County businesses is reflected in an eight-week survey by the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce.

About 65% of the businesses that responded said business was down more than 11% during the months of February through April of this year versus last, although 70% reported no layoffs.

Thirty-one percent of businesses surveyed said they had enough cash to survive for only up to five weeks.

The COVID-19 restrictions hit the city hard at a time when tourism and hospitality usually spikes.

Reilly said her business will be adapting to the social distancing guidelines to keep up as the economy slowly reopens.

“We’re going to have to spend some money on some touchless payment technology, touch-less menus; we’re going to go cashless.” Reilly said.